Aberdeen Teen’s Unauthorized Road Trip Ends in Inverness and Moray

A 16-year-old from Aberdeen took an unplanned journey through Inverness and Moray, leading to consequences for the unauthorized joyride.

Aberdeen Teen’s Unauthorized Road Trip Ends in Inverness and Moray
Aberdeen Teen’s Unauthorized Road Trip Ends in Inverness and Moray

A sixteen-year-old had a joyride. This happened in Inverness and Moray.

A calendar icon shows a desk calendar. Cancel is a circle with a line. Caret points right like a block arrow. Email is an icon of a paper envelope. Facebook uses its “f” logo. Google uses its “G” logo. LinkedIn uses its “in” logo.
Logout has a specific symbol. Profile looks like someone’s head and shoulders. Telephone shows a classic receiver.

Tick is a small checkmark. “Is Public” shows an open eye. “Is Not Public” shows an eye with a line. Pause Icon is two vertical lines. Quote Mark opens a quotation. Another Quote Mark closes it. Arrow has a simple arrow design. Folder shows a paper folder. Breaking has an exclamation point inside a circle.

Camera shows a standard digital camera. Caret is a upward pointing arrow. Clock shows a regular clock face. Close displays an X shape. Close Icon dismisses something. Ellipsis is three dots in a row. Envelope is a paper envelope icon.
Facebook uses its “f” logo. Again, Camera represents a digital camera.

Home displays a simple house. Instagram uses its logo icon. LinkedIn uses its logo icon. Magnifying Glass means searching. Searching is also a magnifying glass. Next has an arrow pointing right. Notice is an exclamation point in a circle. Previous has an arrow pointing left.

Rating is represented by a star. Tag is a small tag icon. Twitter shows its bird logo as an icon. Video Camera is shaped like a filming camera. Speech Bubble shows a conversation. WhatsApp uses its logo icon. Information is a small info symbol.

Plus is the mathematical “+” sign. Duration means time using a clock icon. Success Tick is a green checkmark. Success Tick Timeout is a grey tick. Loading Spinner shows something is loading.

Facebook Messenger uses its app logo. The Facebook icon uses its “f” logo again. The text shows the Twitter app logo. LinkedIn uses its logo. WhatsApp uses its logo. The Email is an envelope.
Copy link is a black square over white.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/crime-courts/6686655/aberdeen-16-year-olds-30-hour-joyride-through-inverness-and-moray/
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