Am I Being Unreasonable Returns Featuring Burnham’s Talented Lenny Rush

The hit show “Am I Being Unreasonable?” returns with Lenny Rush starring. Watch Daisy May Cooper as Nic and Selin Hizli as Jen in the new season.

Am I Being Unreasonable Returns Featuring Burnham’s Talented Lenny Rush
Am I Being Unreasonable Returns Featuring Burnham’s Talented Lenny Rush

Hey, guess what’s on TV tonight! The show “Am I Being Unreasonable?” is back. It starts at 9:30. Lenny Rush, who lives in Burnham, is awesome in it.

Daisy May Cooper and Selin Hizli wrote it. They also star. Fans have been waiting for this new season. Cooper’s character, Nic, is in a bad marriage, and she has a secret.

Hizli plays Jen, a bubbly, kind mom. She also has a dark past.

Rush was amazing in the last series. He’s only fifteen and won a BAFTA for Best Male Comedy Performance in May 2023.

Rush went to school in Burnham and trained in Wickford at a performing arts school. He has a rare condition called SEDC, which affects his height and bones. Also, he had a cleft palate.

Rush doesn’t think of his disability as a bad thing. He’s been in “Doctor Who” and “Taskmaster.” His roles often don’t focus on his disability.

He plays Ollie in “Am I Being Unreasonable?”. The part wasn’t written for someone with a disability. He plays Cooper’s son. You can watch the show on BBC iPlayer, too.

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