Rightmove data shows February and March are best for home sales. January & February sales are quickest. First time Stamp Duty changes are coming
Turns out, February and March are top months to list. About 66.3% of homes sell then. January and April follow close behind. But December is the toughest month; only 61.7% sell.
Homes in January and February sell fastest. It takes about 51 days to find a buyer. March and April are next; they take 52 days. Things get tougher for sellers later on.
This year started strong for buyers, though. Contact with agents rose 8%, and agreed sales increased by 15% too. First-time buyer stamp duty breaks will decrease soon.
It is important to show your house in its best light. Clean up, declutter, and repair obvious defects. Good curb appeal also helps a lot. Tidy gardens create a good impression. Small things, like lighting, are very important too.
Turning on the heat and having a fresh smell helps. A good atmosphere helps potential buyers.