Insurance covers the cost after the incident. The driver lives in Bridge of Allan. The Paterson Clock is now covered for replacement.
Here is a list of icons. A desk calendar is a calendar’s icon. A circle with a line means “cancel.” An arrow pointing right is a caret. A paper envelope represents email.
The Facebook “f” marks Facebook. The Google “G” is for Google. The Linked In “in” stands for Linked In. An icon shows logout. A head and shoulders icon means “profile.” A telephone receiver shows “telephone.” A tick mark is a “tick.” An eye means “is public.” An eye with a line means “is not public.”
Two lines show “pause.” Quote marks open and close quotes. An arrow is just an “arrow.” A paper folder is a “folder.” An exclamation mark means “breaking.” A camera represents “camera.” A caret arrow is a “caret.”
A clock face means “clock.” An “X” shape means “close.” The close icon dismisses a component. Three dots are an ellipsis. A paper envelope is email. Facebook has an “f” logo. A camera is a camera. A house symbolizes home.
Instagram uses its logo. LinkedIn also shows its logo. A magnifying glass is used for search. The search icon looks like a glass. An arrow right means “next.” A circle icon represents “notice.”
An arrow left means “previous.” A star means “rating.” A tag is a “tag.” Twitter uses its logo. A video camera is for video. A speech bubble is a speech icon. WhatsApp uses its logo.
Information shows an “i” icon. Plus uses the plus symbol. Duration indicates time. A green tick means “success.” A grey tick means “timeout.” A spinner means “loading.”
The Messenger uses the app logo. Facebook uses its “f”. The Twitter logo marks Twitter. LinkedIn uses its logo again. WhatsApp shows its app logo. Email uses a mail envelope. Two squares show “copy link.”