Family members provide statements describing the man’s mental state prior to the crime. The inquest into the hotel receptionist murder continues.
On February 3rd, the court heard more statements. These came from Stephen Cole’s father, Roy, and brother, Philip. Rachael Griffin read these aloud in court.
Roy Cole talked about moving to Dorset. He now believes it was a bad decision. Stephen had worked as a security officer in Reading. He was suspended after some reports. After losing his job, Stephen played video games. His father told him to get his life together.
The family hoped Dorset would help Stephen. He needed a fresh start. In 2018, Stephen lived in his car. He did not have a job at the time. His father said that Stephen did not want to work. Stephen also said he wouldn’t live another year.
Stephen was verbally abusive to his parents. Roy said Stephen pushed them around. He added that Stephen became violent. Stephen once grabbed his father’s neck. A restraining order resulted from this event. Roy thought it marked a turning point.
Roy dropped Stephen off at a Travelodge hotel. The day before Marta Vento’s murder, Stephen seemed paranoid. Roy said Stephen was in the worst state he’d seen.
Philip Cole said he and Stephen were not close. He visited his parents before Marta’s death. Stephen called Philip several times during the visit. Stephen said he hadn’t taken pills for a week.
Philip said Stephen wasn’t motivated to take medicine. He felt there was a lack of understanding. People didn’t grasp the importance of medication. The inquest into Marta Vento’s death continues.