Ex Glasgow Provost To Face Mental Health Evaluation

Philip Braat, former Glasgow Lord Provost, will undergo a psychiatric assessment amid harassment allegations from July to October 2024.

Ex Glasgow Provost To Face Mental Health Evaluation
Ex Glasgow Provost To Face Mental Health Evaluation

Philip Braat is 48 years old. He allegedly harassed a woman near Glasgow’s center from July to October 2024.

Braat went to Glasgow Sheriff Court on Wednesday. His lawyer asked to delay the case to allow time before entering a plea.

The lawyer, Andrew Seggie, cited an ongoing probe. It concerns whether Braat can claim a “special defence” involving a mental disorder claim, meaning he wasn’t fully responsible. Seggie told the court that a psychiatrist has been hired to assess Braat, and that they were hired on Monday.

Iain Mathieson, the prosecutor, also wanted a delay. He cited pending information. Sheriff Collette Gallagher agreed, postponing the case until March.

Braat received bail conditions. He cannot contact his former partner or approach her.

Court papers detail that Braat, a former Glasgow Labour leader, struggled with their breakup. Allegedly, he sent her a resignation email meant for his boss. He also supposedly sent her an email made to seem from a police officer.

Braat allegedly threatened self-harm in calls, texts, and emails. Despite her repeated requests to stop contacting her, Braat kept contacting her with emails, texts, and social media, and made unwanted phone calls.

He allegedly went to her home often, leaving unwanted gifts at her door. Braat also put a banner on the building’s wall, made with his handwriting.

Braat, from Broomhill, wrote abusive things on her door and wall. Plus, he left portraits of her at her door and sent a typed letter to her workplace with nasty comments about her.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/24912854.ex-glasgow-lord-provost-psychologically-assessed/?ref=rss
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