Wick now has grit bins at the Coghill footbridges to help prevent slips during icy weather, thanks to a local company’s support.
Now, folks can grab some grit to sprinkle on the slippery paths. It’s a smart move to keep everyone safe during the winter months.
The grit bins were provided by Subsea 7, a local company, and they’ve already been a big help during the recent cold snap. The community council even had a meeting to discuss how useful they’ve been.
Allan Bruce, who’s involved with both the Wick Paths Group and the community council, expressed gratitude for the bins. He mentioned how they’ve been placed at both ends of the bridges, making it easier for everyone to access them.
These bridges got a makeover back in 2020, thanks to volunteers who replaced old materials and added a non-slip surface. But the entry and exit points were still a bit risky.
With the grit bins now filled and ready to go, the community is feeling more secure. It’s nice to see local businesses stepping up to help out.