DSM update on demolition of Kidderminster’s Horsefair blocks. Pre-demolition work ongoing; major demolition in months.
Sam Kelly, a project manager, gave an update. DSM group is handling the project and they are still setting things up. The buildings are getting cleared slowly.
They are investigating and clearing inside, removing non-structural parts first. Their plan is to demolish floor by floor, starting slowly when major demolition begins, which is expected in a few months.
The first two buildings will take about 60 weeks to demolish. Then, they will demolish the third building which currently has telecom equipment on its roof.
Community Housing said fixing the buildings was not possible because the blocks were built in the 1960s, and their construction made repairs unfeasible.
DSM Demolition explained the plans at drop-in sessions at St George’s Church Annexe. They showed how they would take down the buildings and deconstruct floor by floor.
Councillor Mary Rayner attended a session, stating that people complained about the flats and believes this will improve the area. New, modern housing is planned, which will meet ecological standards.