Councillor Draeyk van der Horn has launched LØRE in Forres, a space that is an art gallery, workshop, and office celebrating local connections.
Draeyk van der Horn co-owns the place and is a councillor. About 100 people came by to see it. Sue’s News used to be in that spot. Many visitors were encouraging. Draeyk said the feedback was very positive.
Someone’s great-grandfather once had a shop there. She liked how the space got restored. People liked the Ukrainian sculptures too. Nicola Moss and Mark Grundy have art there.
Sebastian, Kyle Noble, and Suzanne Birch do as well. Bruce Campbell and Scott Gleed also display work. Draeyk says LØRE celebrates local connections. They focus on folklore and local stories.
These stories shape art, crafts, and skills. It’s a fresh gallery. The space has a gallery wall ready and set. Local crafters have a space for themselves.
There is also a workshop for demonstrations. Draeyk will talk about local issues there too. Draeyk is a Scottish celebrant too, officially. He plans to do ceremonies in the shop.
LØRE is good for celebrant consultations. Talk to him about weddings and naming days. He specializes in outdoor celebrations. Bruce Campbell is Draeyk’s husband.
He’s an artist and runs Moray Art Centre. They both want to promote local art. They are excited to have sold some pieces already. The building got renovated this year.
They improved insulation and rewired it all. They added fire safety and double glazing. An acoustic ceiling and new floors exist now. Also, there is a storeroom plus toilets.
Draeyk thinks Forres is good for new businesses. The High Street helps everyone meet. So it is perfect for a new business. He wants more visitors to come soon. He welcomes new ideas for the space. The shop space has good lighting and is multi-functional.