Sport England no longer objects to Seven Capitals Oasis plan given financial support for new sports facilities; decision pending formal approval.
Sport England initially objected to the plan. They want to keep sports facilities open. They said there was no justification for the loss, which included the squash and sports hall. They offered to work with the council and wanted to replace the indoor sports facilities.
Sport England would reconsider their position, wanting justification for the loss. A replacement could be on or off-site. Later, Sport England changed their position. They reviewed over 200 comments and no longer object to the application.
Seven Capital will give money to the council. This money will support new sports facilities. The new development will increase the demand for sports, and existing facilities might not meet the demand. New developments should help meet this as the existing school sites have limited access.
They said the Community Infrastructure Levy will support this, and it will go towards new sports. No final decision exists on the application yet.