A new proposal aims to transform Exeter Fields into a housing estate with 268 homes
Stamford: There’s a new plan on the table for Exeter Fields. They want to build 268 homes where there used to be plans for commercial spaces. It’s a big change!
This site is about nine hectares and sits off Empingham Road, right next to the Taylor Wimpey estate and the A1. It’s a pretty prime spot.
Back in 2012, folks were told this land would be used for businesses to create jobs. But it seems that didn’t pan out, as there wasn’t much interest from companies.
Now, the landowners, Commercial Estates Group and Cecil Estate Family Trust, are suggesting a housing estate instead. They held a public consultation last spring to get feedback.
They’ve submitted a planning application to South Kesteven District Council for what they’re calling ‘Stamford Gateway’. Sounds fancy, right?
The plan includes 188 homes for sale and 80 affordable ones. Plus, they’re looking to add an 80-bed care home and some shops and community spaces.
The developers say Stamford Gateway will be a sustainable and high-quality addition to the area. They want it to respect the town’s history while also enhancing the natural surroundings.
They’re aiming for a welcoming entrance to Stamford, with safe paths for pedestrians and cyclists. It’s all about blending in with the existing neighborhood.
They also plan to keep the site’s natural features and create open spaces for everyone to enjoy. The design will reflect Stamford’s rich architectural style, which is pretty cool.
What do you think about this plan? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!