Swindon Man Sentenced for Harassing and Abusing Neighbour in Kingshill

A 45-year-old Swindon man was sentenced for abusing his neighbor with foul language and texts, after incident occurred in Kingshill.

Swindon Man Sentenced for Harassing and Abusing Neighbour in Kingshill
Swindon Man Sentenced for Harassing and Abusing Neighbour in Kingshill

Nicholas James, aged 45, went to court. This was at Swindon Magistrates Court, happening on Monday, February 3. He admitted harassing his neighbor.

James lives on Manor Road in Kingshill and harassed the neighbor between February 28 and March 3, 2024. He used bad words to do it. The court learned he verbally abused his neighbor, both in person and by text.

Mr. Keith Ballinger told the court what occurred. James knocked on the neighbor’s door one day, simply wanting some Rizla papers. The neighbor then spoke about his dog’s surgery, but James told him he did not care.

James banged on the door after it shut, shouting abusive words and trying to hit the video camera nearby. He even fell down the stairs. James sent harassing texts in the days that followed.

Mr. Ballinger wanted a no-contact order issued. He knew a restraining order was difficult, though, as the men were neighbors living very closely.

Mr. Glendenning defended James in court, stating the two men are friends who also live quite near each other. James interrupted the court proceedings often, and the judge told him to stop.

The court gave him a 12-month community order, and he must also spend 15 days with probation. He was warned about prison if he failed.

The judge did not stop James from talking to his neighbor. However, he told James not to cause trouble. The sentencing had been delayed from December 16, giving James one more chance to comply.

Mr. Glendenning knew James missed court appointments but had followed orders previously.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/24906802.swindon-man-sentenced-harassing-abusing-neighbour/?ref=rss
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