School Streets Scheme in Brighton Faces Closure Without Volunteers

School Streets Scheme in Brighton Faces Closure Without Volunteers

Brighton’s school streets initiative may end unless more volunteers step up to help manage traffic restrictions School Streets Scheme in Brighton Faces Closure Without Volunteers He wanted to know if the traffic restrictions would continue. These restrictions close the road to traffic during school drop-off and pick-up times, but they rely heavily on volunteers to…

Newton Tower Works Resume, Ayr Traffic Restrictions in Place

Newton Tower Works Resume, Ayr Traffic Restrictions in Place

Repair work on Newton Tower is set to restart, causing traffic changes in Ayr starting January 5 Newton Tower Works Resume, Ayr Traffic Restrictions in Place Ayr: The historic Newton Tower is getting some much-needed TLC. The building, which has been around since 1795, is being treated with a new lime-based render. This replaces the…