Justice Served as 12-Year-Old Killers Have Jailtime Increased

Justice Served as 12-Year-Old Killers Have Jailtime Increased

The court has increased the sentences of two 12-year-old murderers, bringing justice for the family of slain teen Shawn Seesahai Justice Served as 12-Year-Old Killers Have Jailtime Increased Wolverhampton: The family of Shawn Seesahai is feeling a sense of justice after a court decided to increase the sentences of his two young killers. These boys,…

Shocking Verdict: Sex Education Star Alexander Westwood Guilty of 26 Sexual Offences

Shocking Verdict: Sex Education Star Alexander Westwood Guilty of 26 Sexual Offences

Alexander Westwood, a 24-year-old actor from Shropshire, was found guilty of multiple sexual offences against teenagers during acting classes, with sentencing set for February. Shocking Verdict: Sex Education Star Alexander Westwood Guilty of 26 Sexual Offences Wolverhampton: So, this is a pretty disturbing story. Alexander Westwood, the actor from Netflix’s Sex Education, has been found…