Test Valley Mayor’s Burns Night Supper and Ceilidh Raises Funds for Charity

The Mayor of Test Valley hosted a Burns Night supper and ceilidh in Romsey, raising money for Air Ambulance, Freedom from Abuse, and Jumbulance.

Test Valley Mayor’s Burns Night Supper and Ceilidh Raises Funds for Charity
Test Valley Mayor’s Burns Night Supper and Ceilidh Raises Funds for Charity

The Test Valley Mayor hosted a Burns Night event on Saturday, January 25th. The event supported three charities, including the Air Ambulance, Freedom from Abuse, and Jumbulance.

The Mayoress and Mayor welcomed 130 guests to Romsey, where several local figures attended the supper. Romsey’s Mayor and Mayoress were there, and past Test Valley leaders also came.

Guests enjoyed a welcome drink as bagpipes played upon their arrival. Eric Dougherty performed with the Wiltshire Caledonian Pipes and Drums band.

The meal had four courses, beginning with cock a’ leekie soup. Haggis, neeps, and tatties followed, and cranachan was served for dessert. Cheeses, oatcakes, and coffee finished the supper, complemented by wine and whisky.

The Mayor led the celebration of Robert Burns as the chef, James Wills, carried the haggis. Andrzej Frank gave a speech about it and toasted the haggis.

Councillor Jeffrey gave a speech and toasted ‘the Immortal Memory’. Romsey’s Mayor, John Parker, read a Burns poem, reciting “To a Louse.”

Speeches and toasts added fun to the night, with Igor Obrastsoff-Rutinsky speaking to the laddies and the Mayoress giving a speech to the lassies.

A raffle and auction took place later, with the top prize being a Yorkshire cottage stay donated by Christine Chisholm of Jumbulance. Guests enjoyed a lively Scottish ceilidh afterward.

James Wills and his team deserve thanks for preparing a delicious meal at short notice and ensuring the event’s success.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.hampshirechronicle.co.uk/news/24898073.mayor-test-valley-charity-appeal-burns-night-supper-ceilidh/?ref=rss
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