Holidaymaker saves £2,500 on flights to Australia via creative route with three flights and self-transfers.
She created a 26-hour journey with three flights. Her route connected four countries, and this cost her only about £418.
The trip involved self-transfers between flights, meaning airlines weren’t liable for missed connections. Layovers were just over two hours; risky, she knew. Packing was tricky; she fit six weeks of clothes in one backpack to avoid baggage delays.
She flew from London to Athens and then Singapore. Finally, she flew from Singapore to Perth. She used Ryanair and Scoot airlines.
One flight got delayed by two hours! Luckily, it was her final flight, or she would have been in trouble otherwise. Christianne said direct flights were too expensive.
This cheap route was really her only option, and she saved a lot of money. She knew any flight problems were her responsibility, as airlines wouldn’t help or offer compensation. Still, she thought the risk was worth the savings.
She only used carry-on baggage for this trip, as checking bags would cause delays. She would need to leave and re-enter each airport.
Her first flight was early, so she slept. The second flight was about ten hours long! She got a middle seat because she wanted to save money.
The final flight delay did not worry her since she had no connecting flights after that. Earlier delays, though, would have ruined everything.
Christianne felt stressed about missing flights; Athens airport made transfers difficult. She had to go through immigration twice. She worried about planes taxiing too long, as delays could cause her to miss connections. Thankfully, they did not taxi longer than expected.
Christianne doesn’t worry much, but the journey was stressful. She suggests checking the cost of new flights; when in Athens, she checked prices for Singapore to Perth.
Currently, she is in New Zealand and plans to fly back cheaply again. This time, layovers are over five hours. She recommends this risky journey to adventurous people and those who want to save money. It’s not good for those who stress easily.
She advises people to accept potential extra costs, and she would do this journey again, she said. Layovers should be over two hours, and fewer connections are better for her.
She shared online that the risky plan worked well. Many people commented online about her trip; some thought it sounded awful and uncomfortable, while others admired her positive attitude.