UK Denies Mauritius Claims Britain Will Pay Double in New Chagos Islands Deal

Britain refutes claims it will pay double for the Chagos Islands. Mauritius seeks inflation-adjusted payments for the Diego Garcia lease.

UK Denies Mauritius Claims Britain Will Pay Double in New Chagos Islands Deal
UK Denies Mauritius Claims Britain Will Pay Double in New Chagos Islands Deal

The UK said Mauritius’ PM is wrong about a Chagos deal. The Foreign Office called his figures misleading. Navin Ramgoolam said UK payments would be inflation-proof. Keir Starmer was accused of being too nice to Mauritius.

Britain made a deal last year about the Chagos Islands. They planned to give the islands to Mauritius. This resolved a very long disagreement. Diego Garcia is part of the islands. The UK-US military base there is vital.

The UK would rent back Diego Garcia for 99 years. The yearly cost was said to be £90 million. Ramgoolam said payments would link to inflation, claiming Britain might pay double.

Ramgoolam called the old deal a “sell-out,” saying the new deal seemed clear. He wanted inflation protection for their money. The Foreign Office insists his numbers are wrong.

Ramgoolam said the old deal let the UK extend unilaterally. Mauritius would now have to agree, giving them a veto. The Foreign Office says extension terms haven’t changed. The UK will only sign a deal good for them.

Ramgoolam spoke with Keir Starmer by phone and said Starmer wants to proceed soon. Ramgoolam thinks a quick solution is coming.

Conservatives are critical of the agreement with Mauritius, thinking Starmer is surrendering too much. They worry about national security. Concerns also exist within the US government because ceding control could empower China. The new US administration is reviewing the deal. Mauritius maintains ties with India, not just China.

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