Worcester City Council to Hold Extraordinary Meeting on Council Restructure

The council will discuss switching to a single-tier system. This is amid government plans to reorganize local authorities and services.

Worcester City Council to Hold Extraordinary Meeting on Council Restructure
Worcester City Council to Hold Extraordinary Meeting on Council Restructure

Worcester City Council will talk about council changes. The meeting happens on Tuesday, February 11. They will discuss a single council system. This would replace the current two-tier system.

The council wants to respond to government plans. These plans reorganize local governments. The goal is to have a single authority. This authority will manage all local services.

Worcestershire has two types of councils. Worcester City Council is one district council. There are six district councils in Worcestershire. They handle things like trash and housing. Worcestershire County Council covers the same area. It manages education, transport, and social care.

The change would combine these roles. Everything goes under one council. Lynn Denham leads Worcester City Council. She welcomes giving more power to local areas.

She wants the city to have a strong voice. This is important during the changes. The council has Labour, Green, and Liberal Democrat members. Alan Amos is an Independent councillor. He left the Conservative party in January.

The council changes are still far off. Talks started in 2025. The new council could launch in April 2027. The County Council wants to delay May elections.

If the government says no, elections happen as planned. The new council would launch in April 2028. This is before the next General Election. Labour wants to reorganize two-tier areas. It is essentially required.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/24908966.worcester-city-council-hold-extraordinary-meeting/?ref=rss
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