A landlord is seeking permission to keep a Basingstoke home as a shared living space for residents after previous applications were denied
Basingstoke: A landlord is trying to get the green light to keep a three-bedroom house on Abbey Road as a house in multiple occupation (HMO). They’ve applied for permission to turn it into a four-bedroom setup for four residents.
The landlord claims the place has been running as an HMO since September 2012 without any complaints from neighbors. Sounds like they’ve been doing something right!
However, the borough council turned down their last application in October because they didn’t provide enough proof. Now, they’re back with a third application, hoping to change the use to allow up to six unrelated people to live there.
In their application, they pointed out that Basingstoke is facing a big shortage of affordable housing, especially for low-income workers. They believe this property could really help meet that need.
The house has a cozy setup with a living room, shared kitchen, and a couple of bathrooms. Plus, it’s close to the bus and train stations, which should make commuting a breeze for residents.
In the past, the landlord tried to get a certificate to prove the house was already being used as an HMO, but the council said the evidence wasn’t clear enough. This time, since it’s a retrospective application, they don’t need to show proof of use for the last ten years.
After a chat with the council in December, the landlord was advised to go this route. If you’re curious, you can check out the application on the Basingstoke and Deane Planning Portal.