Economy Minister Archibald criticizes Mr. Benn, asserting he supports austerity and disregards Northern Ireland communities and its elected leaders.
Archibald now holds the economy role; before, she managed finances and negotiated funding for public services. She believes Mr. Benn ignores local communities and disregards their elected leaders.
Archibald said Benn lacks a mandate there, arguing that he should support Northern Ireland people. Instead, she claims he backs austerity, adding that his government harms public services and “difficult choices” mean higher taxes.
Archibald says ministers make daily decisions for the people of Northern Ireland. She says they understand issues and live there with the people. She critized Bennet’s goverment’s recent actions.
Alliance Party’s Tennyson also commented. He wants Stormont institutions reformed, while Benn believes the Northern Ireland parties must agree. Tennyson feels Benn cannot be passive on reform.
Tennyson said crises harmed public services, arguing that political reform can create stable government which no one should hold hostage. He wants transformation with UK and Irish help, stating this would fulfill the Good Friday Agreement.