ABP raises concerns over proposed care units at the historic brewery site in Ipswich
Ipswich: So, there’s some drama brewing over at the old Tolly Cobbold brewery. The Port of Ipswich is not too happy about plans to redevelop the site.
Mohammed Khan wants to turn the historic brewery into care units. He’s got plans for 38 flats in the brewery and another eight-story building with 80 more flats behind it.
He’s calling it a ‘care village’ with a total of 118 units for folks over 21 who need round-the-clock care. Sounds nice, right?
But here’s the kicker: Associated British Ports (ABP) is throwing a wrench in the works. They’re not against the idea of redeveloping, but they’ve got some serious concerns.
ABP says the port is a big deal for the local economy, bringing in £360 million a year and supporting loads of jobs. They worry that the new development could block access for vehicles and create safety issues.
They’re also concerned about noise complaints from the port activities. So, they’ve officially objected to the current plans but are open to chatting with Khan to sort things out.
If the plans go through, there’s also talk of turning Cliff Cottage into seven more flats for staff and even a small museum about the brewery’s history. Plus, the old Brewery Tap would get a facelift and stay as a pub and restaurant.
The site has been empty since brewing stopped in 2002 and was even damaged in a fire a few years back. So, it’s definitely in need of some love!