Chepstow Town Council has decided to partially fund a toilet refurbishment project, contributing 15% of the total costs after some debate.
Chepstow: At a meeting on January 8, 2025, the councillors gathered at The Gatehouse and decided to chip in 15% for the toilet renovation project.
Initially, they were hesitant to contribute 30% since Monmouthshire County Council owns the facility. But after some discussions, they found a middle ground.
The total cost for the project is expected to be around £75,000. So, Chepstow Town Council’s share will be £11,250, which they’ll pull from their general reserves.
Several councillors were present, including Cllr T Griffiths and O Amphlett, while a few others sent their apologies or were absent.
The town clerk and deputy town clerk were also there to keep things on track. Earlier, at a finance meeting in December, they had decided against the 30% funding due to the ownership issue.
Thanks to a new offer from MCC, Chepstow Town Council has now agreed to split the match funding equally, making it a win-win for everyone involved.