Wondering how to get your money back for delayed trains? Here’s a quick guide to claiming refunds during Storm Éowyn
London: So, Storm Éowyn is causing quite a stir, right? With all the warnings flying around, it’s no surprise that train services are getting hit hard. If your train’s delayed or canceled, you might be wondering how to get your money back.
First off, if you decide not to travel because of the storm, you can get a full refund on your unused ticket. Just reach out to the original retailer where you bought it. Easy peasy!
If you’re already on the train and it’s running late, you can claim compensation. Just check with your train company for their specific rules. They all have different policies, so it’s good to know what applies to you.
Generally, the longer the delay, the more you can claim. If you’re late by over an hour, you’ll usually get more back than if it’s just a short delay. Claims can be made online or by mail, and some companies even let you register your tickets for quicker claims in the future.
So, keep an eye on the storm updates and don’t hesitate to claim what you’re owed if your travel plans go sideways!