A Labour canvasser seemingly linked a stalking victim’s resignation to a council tax rise before a Brent by-election.
Anton Georgiou, a Liberal Democrat councillor, resigned last December citing personal reasons including stalking. A by-election is now scheduled for February 18 to replace him.
A Labour canvasser spoke to a resident before the election. He appeared to say the by-election caused higher rates – an older term for council tax. Brent Labour claims this isn’t their official view.
The video shows the activist said he once was Liberal. Now, he represents Labour because Anton’s exit cost money and forced the by-election, raising everyone’s rates.
Paul Lorber leads Brent’s Liberal Democrats. He accused Labour of using unfair tactics and thinks they targeted Liberal Democrat supporters. They wanted to “unsettle them,” Lorber stated.
Lorber said Labour is panicking. He added that Charlie Clinton will campaign locally, focusing on dirty streets and traffic. He’ll also address neglect by Brent Council.
Lorber recalled a past Labour resignation. Labour didn’t complain about “rates” then. He believes council tax increases are solely due to Labour. The Green Party won’t field a candidate, showing support for the Lib Dems.
They support Georgiou due to his resignation reasons and asked others to do the same thing. The Greens saw the video and called it “dirty tricks,” also mentioning the prior Labour councillor resignation that also cost money for a by-election.
Martin Francis is a Green Party contact. He said accusing Georgiou is misleading because elections cost money and that’s democracy. Georgiou faced life threats.
Francis added that Brent Labour uses underhand methods, aiming for a one-party state. Another councillor could have resigned strategically, potentially saving money.
A Brent Labour spokesperson responded to the video. They said the comments in the video don’t represent their views.