Check out this fascinating old photo of fishermen in King’s Lynn, showcasing their life and work nearly a century ago
The black and white shot features two guys on the Mascotte, a steam-powered boat that was a big deal back then. Arthur and Robert Taylor bought it in 1894 for £70, which is like £16,000 today.
One of the men, James ‘Dawger’ Ward, was the skipper. He’s the one in the bowler hat, looking quite dapper. He used the boat for fishing sole and shrimping in the Wash, wearing his traditional fisherman’s gansey.
It’s funny to think about how chilly it is now. I can’t imagine being out on the River Great Ouse in this weather! But these guys look like they’re having a blast, soaking up the sun.
The Taylor family were local seed merchants, running a shop in Lynn since the 1830s. If you’re curious, you can check out a mock-up of their shop at the Lynn Museum, which is free to visit from Tuesday to Saturday. It’s a nice little trip down memory lane!