A landlord in Sittingbourne faces fines for allowing unsafe living conditions, including mould and broken heating.
Swale Borough Council shared photos showing the issues. They found vermin entry points and electrical hazards too. The landlord ignored many repair requests.
The shower room had a broken extractor fan and missing sealant. Pests got in, creating food safety risks. The tenant also dealt with uneven floors and extreme cold.
The landlord, who remains unnamed, was fined £3,000. This came after he failed to fix the problems despite a council notice.
Cllr Angela Harrison emphasized that everyone deserves a safe home. She noted that landlords have a responsibility to ensure tenant safety.
The landlord initially faced a £6,000 fine, but it was reduced after an appeal. A judge said the tenant made it hard for repairs to happen.
However, the judge insisted the landlord should have done more to fix the serious hazards. The fines will help fund the council’s efforts to keep homes safe for vulnerable tenants.