Cheap Bus Fares in Warrington Will Last Until 2026

Cheap Bus Fares in Warrington Will Last Until 2026

Warrington’s council plans to keep low bus fares until 2026, ensuring affordable travel for residents and enhancing services. Cheap Bus Fares in Warrington Will Last Until 2026 Warrington: The council’s cabinet will meet next Monday. They will discuss plans to improve bus services using £3.8 million from the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). These plans…

No Budget for Bus Fare Cap Despite Recommendations from Officials

No Budget for Bus Fare Cap Despite Recommendations from Officials

Scotland’s transport secretary confirms no funding for a bus fare cap pilot, citing budget constraints and challenges with private bus companies. No Budget for Bus Fare Cap Despite Recommendations from Officials Glasgow: So, it looks like there won’t be a trial for capping bus fares in Scotland after all. Fiona Hyslop, the transport secretary, just…

Midland Bluebird Bus Fares Set to Increase in Stirling Area Soon

Midland Bluebird Bus Fares Set to Increase in Stirling Area Soon

Get ready for higher bus fares in Stirling and nearby areas as Midland Bluebird announces a price hike that will affect daily commuters. Midland Bluebird Bus Fares Set to Increase in Stirling Area Soon Stirling: So, it looks like Midland Bluebird is raising bus fares in Stirling and the surrounding areas. If you rely on…