Blackburn Woman Plans to Use £500 Cash Prize for Her Wedding

Blackburn Woman Plans to Use £500 Cash Prize for Her Wedding

Karen Cych is thrilled to win £500, which she’ll use to help plan her wedding in 18 months Blackburn Woman Plans to Use £500 Cash Prize for Her Wedding Blackburn: Karen Cych is over the moon after winning a £500 cash prize. She entered the draw through Blackburn with Darwen Council’s festive bin collection guide.…

Swale Council Investigates Suez Bin Collection Issues in Local Areas

Swale Council Investigates Suez Bin Collection Issues in Local Areas

An investigation into Suez’s waste collection failures has prompted scrutiny from Swale Council, addressing ongoing issues in Sittingbourne and beyond Swale Council Investigates Suez Bin Collection Issues in Local Areas Sittingbourne: So, there’s been a bit of a mess with the rubbish collection lately. Suez, the waste company, has really dropped the ball, and it’s…