Louise Tilden Beauty Therapy in Taunton has been honored with a prestigious wellness award for its outstanding services and commitment to excellence
Taunton: Louise Tilden Beauty Therapy has just snagged the 2024/25 Spa & Wellness Award. Can you believe it? This cozy salon is right in her garden at home!
Louise’s hard work and dedication really paid off. The judges were impressed with her commitment to top-notch service in the beauty industry.
They picked the winners based on reviews from various independent sources. It’s all about showcasing businesses that shine in quality and customer satisfaction.
The awards team was blown away by the high quality of entries this year. They said it was tough to choose the winners because everyone did such a fantastic job.
So, if you’re looking for a little pampering, check out Louise’s website for more info on her services. The winners will be featured in a digital publication coming out in November.